
My White Silent Messenger

Please come visit me at the gallery show on 8/8!

RAW Artists Group presents "EN MASSE"
8/8 Thus 18:00 - 22:00
@ Belasco Theatre
1050 S Hill St, Los Angeles, CA 90015
15 $/ticket

For details & tickets... http://www.rawartists.org/minomiyabi

My booth is in the middle of upstairs, and my short animation POM will be played in the large main screen!

"I want to thank you my friend
For making me feel worthwhile

Please tell me what you like
Does that feel nice
Give me a sign
If you love it I can do it again"

Goma in my memory 
1995 - 2013, 105 as human age



日々静かに時を過ごしてきた彼。最期も眠るように旅立った彼からは、なにより 「安らぎ」 の見つけ方を教えてもらった。

そしてミノミヤビとして羽ばたく、鍵になるだろうと ― 。


白き守護神、永遠に。 そしてそっちでまた会おうね。

(ミノミヤビ - 2013.07.27)


RAW Artists Gallery Show on 8/8 @ Belasco Theatre

Please come visit me at the gallery show on 8/8!

RAW Artists Group presents "EN MASSE"
8/8 Thus 18:00 - 22:00
@ Belasco Theatre
1050 S Hill St, Los Angeles, CA 90015
15 $/ticket

For details & tickets... http://www.rawartists.org/minomiyabi

My booth is in the middle of upstairs, and my short animation POM will be played in the large main screen!

and here's some doodling inspired by Attack on Titans..


just around the corner...

tons of pages.. no choice but to make the miracle!