I've been watching Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles. TSCC is the TV series bridging T2 to T4, starting from the time when the Connors survived after T2 & come from 1999 to 2007 with the help of Cameron - a girl-type Terminator sent by John himself from tragic future 2037 to save his life & bring peace between human & machine.
I don't always expect TV series - usually go dull as the episodes go... well TSCC is not the exception either. The casting is not good, i gotta say...
But fortunately i'm huge fan of Terminator - especially at the point of Time Paradox & human-machine thing (just like Matrix, which's also my fav...Typical ahm!). I think this is well-made at the points. Imagine Kyle Reese (John's father) in the future...Why John is almost as old as Kyle?? Bcz In my opinion John came from the past. The Multi Timespace theory is believable, and this -- A son from the past send his father back to the past & the son is born. Then the son comes to the future --- now Timespace is "Loop" ! I don't know if it really happens, but possible in this theory. Different spaces connect together. For me this is so interesting to think about.
Anyway the scene above is interesting in different point. James Ellison is a cop who gets chosen by Catherine Weaver, CEO of a company developing A.I. (Shirley Manson! big fan & another reason i watch this drama =P ) James works for her to teach A.I. about Good & Bad. This A.I. system might be a center core of Skynet (the critical matter of human's extension) & Terminators in the future. Now that James already met John, he emphasizes more about the subject with human love & God. (In the different timespace where John no longer exists, James wouldn't teach him about that well...so the future changed in TSCC timespace here! ) What i wanna talk is the last scene. James lets him win the chess, which tells him about the human love thing. But this learning robot never yet understands about it, then "Checkmate. I win. ... Would you like to play again? " This is very simple but effective subtext. It's always good to see it in secondary acting.
Back to my favorie topic btw, Anybody have ever thought about this --
If Time Machine thing is possible, why do we not see anyone from the future yet?
This interests me also. The British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking insists on this point. Yah coming to think of it....we never ever met anybody or anything that came from future yet. But just in my viewpoint, this could be also one of the Multi Timespace Theory. We'll never meet such things until we develop timemachines & start traveling. We're in the timespace where there is no timemachine in the future. Once we invest them, different timespace will start being created, I think.
What do you guys think about it? Unless you're sleepy already... :P
Oh before wrapping up this topic, just a lil chillout here :P
"My sister is....stronger."
John "(thiking).... nn NO." lol X) the way the b*tch is busted...they stole Zohan's scene or not >v<