Jehanne, a messenger beyond a word. 言葉を持たないメッセンジャー、ジャンヌ。 (「5D」より)

Almost 2 weeks ago, I was doing some live performance of caricature-izing of friends at an party event. Then one asked me, "Do you also draw exactly like a photograph?" From the background process of my art foundation, I wound up to that time & back to now & said, "You might just wanna take a good photo" with smiles. Some might get it already yeah? :) If you go exactly copying photo, there's not special spice of art in it. We human love to create something exactly like realistic existing. (so-called humans' God-oriented ego) Some struggle to get out of it, and conclusion : headache. YES. But why this wrong?? You'll be/you've been through that time & find there's much more sense to make it artistic final work for you. "Photo-copying work and Photo-realistic one are way different." (写実は模写とは全く異なるものである。) as one of my professors told me. People see it, and get involved. That feels more like art, don't we think? My respectful prof also said this after some of my questions : "They people see you in your art. Even if they don't see you in person, they DO." Just for you as the reference, for your healthier life as an artist. Let's keep up!
in our home country Japan, it's one of the historical tale that Morinaga inc, mainly sweets maker, decided 2/14 for the day when guys give chocolate to girls (mostly couples, but even friends can do that) in order to make their marketing bigger. For me it was a long time ago, but there's the cultural shock when we first find people outside Japan give flowers/presents each other, have dinner, or kiss/furthermore. That's why Japanese friends around you mention about choco today in every year. 森●製菓を有力説としたチョコレートの歴史的所以が日本から来ているのは有名な話だけど、バレンタイン自体の歴史は古く欧米から由来しているとされ、世界に知れ渡っている祝日。世界的には主に恋人や夫婦が男女問わず花やケーキ、プレゼント、食事を振舞う。 というわけで今年も、ここアメリカの慣習に従って、お店を切り盛りしている友人にこの絵をプレゼント。 今回は模写でなく写実芸。顔もピアノも見本がなく想像です。 外部発信源 DA - Pixiv - FB - Twitter -
hey guys! first I must apologize for this super delay... Let's just say I've got out of the forest - of some life transitions and etc. I'll update as much as i can from now onward, with mainly still arts. Stay tuned! ようやくアップデートできました。ためこんでた絵をいくつかアップしておきます。 " アーティストって、「仕事ください。よろしく!」ではなくて、 「こんなのを描きました。あなたは好きですか?」これだと思う。 " いつまで言い続けていられるかな? やれるのにやれていないことは、まだまだ、まだある。 背負った分は払い戻す。絶対に。