
let's cook this.

iv never posted my animation pieces, but this time. Let's cook my old stuff - Pom's anim test.
many guys told me this looks like "JAPANESE" dunno wth that means. one thing i realize these days is that it goes strong intonations of ease-in & out. Yes, no character in reality hovers still in the air for seconds, this is known as cartoony style though. Well did you say mine is not working? Something is different? i know, u just can say "Something is wrong". I KNOW.

wowow, calm down Masa.

most of guys gave me warm words, but also i remembered they added that this is NOT going to Pixar class reel. (Funny, ppl nod as nice work, then asked if it goes to the reel? then ALL of them shook heads this time XD )
I totally agree. I can see why not. So I never did it. This has a story, but hard to know only from here. Some understand 'cause they've already seen my thesis, but hell no, nobody does in real. Employers never have time to refer more if the student have such average (or yet less than) skills, generally speaking.

so guys, what do u think? Pros/Cons?
esp pierce me with more Cons. i am actually fed up with ppl flattering Looks good, good job, no i mean it really is.

in addition to "looks Japanese", they said that's my style. I am very very happy if it really works as my style (we bleed to find own styles...), but i cannot agree with it. Moreover, I like more subtle & simple ones with characters, and wanna do it. Such crazy right-then-left action as this bird - I don't always want it. I've known some guys having the same thought like "It finally becomes it, but I don't always want it. I wanted to do @&#$%..." Well I might have to be more responsible to make it exactly what i want.

Now it's cooking time.

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